Temiz & Co - Chartered Public Finance Accountant in Gillingham, Kent

Affordable accountancy and tax services in Gillingham

Why go to a large accountancy firm where you can find the same accountancy and tax services in Gillingham at an affordable price from Temiz & Co.

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Accounting & Tax Services

Bookkeeping and accounting services by Temiz & Co - Chartered Public Finance Accountant in Gillingham Kent

Bookkeeping & Accounting

The last thing you want in your business is to have valuable time and resources tied up with routine bookkeeping and accounting.

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Business planning services by Temiz & Co - Chartered Public Finance Accountant in Gillingham Kent

Business Planning Services

For any business to succeed they need to have the right planning, the right strategy, and the right execution of these things.

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Corporate tax services by Temiz & Co - Chartered Public Finance Accountant in Gillingham, Kent

Corporation Tax

We can conduct a full tax review of your business and determine the most efficient tax structure for you. Very often such reviews result in considerable tax savings, which show up as real improvements in your bottom line.

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VAT services by Temiz & Co - Chartered Public Finance Accountant in Gillingham, Kent


VAT can be the bane of everyone affected by it. The complex regime of regulations imposes a tremendous administrative burden on businesses. With the rate being so high, mistakes in calculating VAT can be costly.

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Find us on the map

 Address: Temiz & Co, 73 High Street, Gillingham, Kent, England, ME7 1BJ

 Telephone: 01634 931150

 Email:  info@temiz.co.uk