VAT services by Temiz & Co - Chartered Public Finance Accountant in Gillingham Kent

VAT can be complex because the regulations and guidelines often change. This can impose an administrative burden on businesses.

Also, mistakes in calculating VAT can be costly which can penalties and interest charges adds to that burden.

Our team of VAT professionals will help to keep your VAT affairs in order, make sure you are collecting the right amounts for each transaction, and ensure that you make payments and file compliant returns correctly and on time.

In addition to providing a comprehensive bookkeeping and VAT accounting services we can provide help and advice on the following:

  • The pros and cons of voluntary registration
  • The timing of compulsory registration
  • Extracting maximum benefit from the rules on de-registration
  • Partial exemption
  • Timing and delaying VAT payments
  • Flat rate VAT schemes
  • VAT on imports and exports
  • VAT control visits by HMRC

Even if you have only a few employees, you will make savings by engaging Termiz & Co to administer your payroll.

 Talk to us about Payroll